On-Demand Meditation Course

Preliminary Practices of Tibetan Bön Dzogchen

Key Information:

Facilitation & Course Length:

Facilitation: Online & Self-Paced

Course Length: 9 Modules | 35 Lessons

Required text: Chapters 1-4 are covered from the text: ‘The Pith Instructions for the Stages of the Practice Sessions of the A-Tri (A Khrid) System of Bön Dzogchen Meditation’.

A Hardcopy of this text is included in the course cost and is available for pick up or shipping.

Attendance Requirements:

It is open to all who wish to participate.

This Course is online and self-paced.

See FAQs for further information.

What does this course include?

  • Designed as a self-paced resource, this course includes 14 lessons across 3 modules.

    Each module includes guided meditations, instructional sessions, additional reading materials, and reflection resources to support deeper engagement with the teachings.

  • Each pre-recorded lesson has lesson summaries designed to provide context and understanding of the teachings to be covered in the upcoming lesson. These summaries are also intended to provide students with clarity of the teaching outcomes associated with each lesson.

  • You will receive access to a comprehensive and detailed 155 pg. learning guide that will act as a core reference point for in-detail explanations, experiential practice support, background information and additional recommended readings.

  • You will receive a hard copy version of the Root Text: The Pith Instructions for A Khrid rDzogs Chen’ from which chapters 1-4 are covered in this course. This root text forms the basis of the Atri system of Dzogchen and has been directly translated from Tibetan by Geshe Sonam Gurung & Daniel Brown, Ph.D at the request of His Holiness the 33rd Menri Trizin and lineage holder of the Bön Order.

    This will be available for pick up from East Melbourne, VIC or via shipping to your postal address.

  • Students will receive access to a full-day & in person workshop on March 22nd held in East Melbourne, Victoria (option to attend via Zoom).

    This workshop will provide the opportunity for detailed guidance, experiential practice in community and the opportunity to ask, listen and learn from discourse about the practices and course related content.

  • Students will have 12-month unlimited access to the course material.

Participant Contribution:

Your support, financially and through practice, directly influence the preservation and integration of these precious teachings in the indigenous Tibetan regions of Nepal and in Australia. It is your sincere support that builds an equitable and sustainable pathway between the Mustang Region of Nepal and the West.

Tax Deductible Course Donation* | AUD$400

*All donations are tax deductible.

Course Access & Sign-up

For Course access click ‘Access Now’ below.

Online Course Description:

Preliminary Practices of Tibetan Bön Dzogchen


Facilitated by Geshe Sonam Gurung, and supported by Nigel Denning and Mark Overton M.D., this online and self-paced course guides participants through the essential preliminary practices of Atri Dzogchen.

This online course is based on the ancient Tibetan Bön Atri teachings of Dzogchen and is grounded in authentic transmission providing a structured and experiential approach to preparing the mind and body for meditation. It provides a complete instruction in the essential aspects of Tibetan Bön meditation and serves as an essential pathway towards advanced practices.

The Tibetan Bön model of Dzogchen presented in this course provides a complete set of teachings to experience the nature of Mind and its relationship to ourselves and the world around us. The view that is taught is that we are all part of an interconnected, timeless and locationless flow of information. This process must be experienced directly otherwise we stray into a myriad of conceptual constructs of ever-increasing complexity.  This training steps students through the skills that ultimately, to the best of practitioners, leads to liberation. 

In this course students are presented with detailed instructions on the Foundational Practices designed to both establish the necessary conditions and develop a calm and serviceable mind. Using explanation, metaphor, practice and active feedback, students will develop the essential skills and qualities necessary for practice. Students will be methodically stepped through the foundational practices of Atri Dzogchen that serve to prepare the mind and body to meditate. In order to have the right view of mind and body, we need both to recognise our own motivations and aspirations and cultivate the positive qualities that shift our mind from survival to exploration mode.

These practices serve to ripen the mind and establish the qualities of safety, trust, interest, admiration and motivation. Students will be precisely instructed in methods designed to cultivate the qualities of mind conducive to practise. It is important to point out that “foundational” does not mean “lesser” and that these foundational practices of Dzogchen are a complete practice of the spiritual path that advanced practitioners continue to cultivate.

The Course Structure

This course shares a complete set of foundational teachings from the A Krid (pronounced “Atri”) Lineage of Tibetan Bön Dzogchen; a one-thousand-year-old compendium of the middle path to liberation in Bön. This text is the gateway to a series of expanded texts that refine the skills that ultimately lead to full awareness of mind.

Chapters 1-4 are covered from the text: ‘The Pith Instructions for the Stages of the Practice Sessions of the A-Tri (A Khrid) System of Bön Dzogchen Meditation’.

This text is included in the course cost and will be available for pick up (East Melbourne, VIC) or will be shipped to you once registered.

Course Structure includes:

  1. Understanding the Path & Setting Intention: Understanding the Bön meditation path, cultivating the correct attitude toward practice, the teacher-student relationship, and the role of motivation in transformation.

  2. Impermanence & The Precious Opportunity: Grounding an experiential understanding in the fundamental teaching of impermanence intended to dispel attachment and steer the mind towards the importance and urgency of practice.

  3. Generating the Motivation of Enlightenment (Bodhicitta): Establishing the correct attitude and motivation for practice. Nurturing the seed of universal compassion within us all and cultivating the authentic aspiration to awaken for the benefit of all sentient beings.

  4. The Taking of Refuge: Establishing connection with lineage and developing the foundation of trust, admiration, and positive connection with one’s own capabilities, lineage teachers, the teachings, and the supportive community of like-minded practitioners (“Sangha”).

  5. Confession* & Forgiveness: Understanding the nature of “cause and effect” (karmic imprints) and the influence negative states, actions and attitudes have on ones meditation progression. Skilfully applying methods of self-reflection, humbly taking self-responsibility for non-virtuous involvement and genuinely embodying regret as a means to forgive oneself.

    *For those struggling with unfortunate connotations associated with “confession”, in the context of Bön practice, it refers to an open acknowledgment of one's misdeeds coupled with an authentic resolve not to repeat them. A more appropriate translation in this context that may be used is the verb “shagpa” meaning "to clear," "to lay open," or "to release".

  6. Mandala Offering: Engaging in a humbling and symbolic offering of gratitude to the innumerable benevolent, protective and encouraging beings guiding the path before us. Intended to liberate attachment, cultivate generosity and accumulate positive conditions for meditative practice, Mandala Offering is a profound recognition of the open and boundless generosity within us all.

  7. The Gift Waves of Influence (Guru Yoga): Requesting and establishing a heartfelt connection with the lineage masters of Bön Dzogchen through visualisation and aspirational practices. These profound practices open ones mind stream to receive blessing, inspiration and direct influence of meditative experience.

For access to this course click ‘Access Now’ below

What comes next?

The online course is structured to prepare the practitioner for concentration practice and beyond following a sequenced progression to more advanced meditation techniques. Those interested in taking the next step into concentration practice may be interested in participating in our in-person concentration immersion from April 11-18 which will also include a recap of the preliminary practices covered in this course.

Concentration Practices of Bön Dzogchen

  • Retreat Start: 5:00PM, Wednesday, November 13th, 2024

    Retreat End: 5:00PM, Sunday, November 17th, 2024

  • This retreat extends on the practices presented in Retreat One: Preliminary Practices of Tibetan Bön Dzogchen and introduces students, who have developed the fundamentals of concentration, to meditation beyond the ordinary mind.

  • This in-person course is open to all applicants who wish to participate.

Online Course

Preliminary Practices of Tibetan Bön Dzogchen

November 2024 | Retreats & Courses

Tibetan Bön Dzogchen Meditation

The Australia Bön Mustang Foundation are pleased to announce the Tibetan Bön Dzogchen Meditation Retreats held live and in-person with Geshe Sonam Gurung in Melbourne & Byron Bay this coming November 2024.


Retreat 1 | Melbourne

Preliminary Practices of Bön Dzogchen

  • Retreat Start: 5:00PM, Friday, November 8th, 2024

    Retreat End: 5:00PM, Monday, November 11th, 2024

  • This retreat is based on the ancient Tibetan Bön Atri teachings of Dzogchen and gives an authentic transmission in the teacher student tradition from the Lama to the participants. It provides an overview of the entire path to full liberation as well as instruction in the essential aspects of Tibetan Buddhist meditation.

  • This in-person course is open to all applicants who wish to participate.

Retreat 2 | Melbourne

Core Practices of Bön Dzogchen

  • Retreat Start: 5:00PM, Wednesday, November 13th, 2024

    Retreat End: 5:00PM, Sunday, November 17th, 2024

  • This retreat extends on the practices presented in Retreat One: Preliminary Practices of Tibetan Bön Dzogchen and introduces students, who have developed the fundamentals of concentration, to meditation beyond the ordinary mind.

  • This in-person course is open to all applicants who wish to participate.

Retreat 3 | Melbourne

Inner Fire & Mixing Practices of Bön Dzogchen

  • Retreat Start: 5:00PM, Tuesday, November 19th, 2024

    Retreat End: 5:00PM, Saturday, November 23th, 2024

  • This retreat provides a comprehensive introduction into the practice of the inner channels and the chakras as outlined in the Tibetan Bön Dzogchen tradition. This practice builds on the foundations developed in Retreat Two: Core Practices of Tibetan Bön Dzogchen and is designed to clear energetic obscurations of the body in order to increase the clarity and luminosity of awakened mind and develop skills to regulate energy flow.

  • This in-person course requires application. Due to the advanced nature of these practices, some previous meditation experience is required.

Short Course | Byron Bay

Introduction to Practices of Tibetan Bön Dzogchen

  • Retreat Start: 5:00PM, Sunday, November 24th, 2024

    Retreat End: 5:00PM, Tuesday, November 26th, 2024

  • This course is based on the ancient Tibetan Bön Atri teachings of Dzogchen and gives an authentic transmission in the teacher student tradition from the Lama to the participants. This 2.5 day short course provides a concise yet complete set of teachings to experience the nature of Mind and its relationship to ourselves and the world around us.

  • This in-person course is open to all applicants who wish to participate.

Make a donation.

The Bön Mustang Foundation Australia has been established with the primary intent to support, preserve and revitalise the precious Bön traditions and lineage teachings of the Mustang Region. This organisation is 100% funded on a volunteer and donation basis with all funds going to the direct support of The Children’s Hostel in Mustang, Nepal and for the continued development of The Shenten Thagye Ling Monastery at the request of H.H the 33rd Abbot of Menri Monastery.